
Pet vaccinations are the forefront of preventative health care for your dog or cat. They protect your pet from contracting diseases which can be fatal. In our eyes it’s never too late to vaccinate.

Depending on the brand of vaccine used, puppies may start their vaccination programme as early as 6 weeks old. Primary vaccination for puppies and kittens is usually given in two doses, the first dose from 6-8 weeks and the second dose 3-4 weeks later. In order to maintain full protection regular yearly “boosters” are required with certain vaccines, this is because immunity to some diseases only lasts for about a year after vaccination. Some people believe that if they have their pet vaccinated when they are puppies or kittens, the immunity they receive will protect them for the rest of their lives, unfortunately this is not the case.


Pets inevitably come in contact with diseases through their natural habitats and activities; therefore their need for regular boosters is essential. You can avail of our messaging service and we can remind you when your cat or dog is due for its next pet vaccination.

Common diseases we vaccinate against in dogs include:


Canine Parvovirus is extremely difficult to eliminate as it can persist for many months. Although dogs of all ages can become infected, puppies are particularly susceptible and the symptoms include a sudden onset of vomiting, high fever, listlessness and blood stained diarrhoea. It is transmitted through contact with infected faeces and vaccination is the only certain way of preventing this potentially fatal disease.


Canine Distemper is spread by discharges from the nose and eyes of infected dogs and is a highly contagious disease. Distemper is often fatal and since the incubation period can be as long 3 weeks, it is usually too late to vaccinate once any outbreak has begun. Symptoms include bilateral ocular discharge and discharge from the nose along with loss of appetite and a high temperature. Dogs that survive distemper may be left brain damaged or with other permanent disabilities.


Canine Leptosporosis is caused by a bacterium which is spread via the urine of infected animals. It is a zoonotic disease meaning it is transmittable to humans. There are many strains of the virus and the key strains commonly found in Ireland are incorporated into the vaccine. Dogs infected Leptosporosis can suffer liver and kidney damage that may prove fatal. Vaccines are vital to protect dogs and prevent it from becoming a source of infection to humans.


Canine Infectious Hepatitis is a disease which attacks the liver, kidneys, eyes and lungs of infected dogs. The disease can develop rapidly, often within 24-36 hours. Dogs of all ages are susceptible to the disease but it is most commonly found in dogs in their first year of life.

Tracheobronchitis (Kennel Cough)

Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis (Kennel Cough) despite its name, kennel cough can be contracted in any situation where dogs are brought together. Signs are usually a dry cough with mucous or phlegm and one of the most typical signs is gagging or retching as though the dog has something stuck in its throat. A variety of infectious agents may be involved. Vaccinations should be administered yearly and is given into the nostrils.


Rabies is a viral infection that affects the nervous system of most mammals, including humans. This is a fatal disease and fortunately Ireland is rabies free. Subsequently as part of the free travel of pets within the EU a pet passport system was introduced requiring that dogs entering Ireland from the EU must have been vaccinated against rabies with the first vaccine at least 21 days before entry.

Common diseases we vaccinate against in cats include:

Cat flu

Cat flu is the common term for feline upper respiratory tract disease, which is a widespread highly contagious disease that may affect all cats. Classic signs of cat flu include nasal discharge, sneezing and conjunctivitis. Occasionally in younger cats more severe signs such as pneumonia can develop. All cat flu agents are spread through direct and/or indirect contact. Feline herpesvirus and feline calcivirus account for the majority of cases of cat flu. Complications or secondary conditions may arise in some patients. Although complete protection cannot be offered as there are different strains of the infectious agents developing all the time, vaccination can reduce the risk and possibly the severity of “Cat flu”.


Feline Panleucopenia is a highly contagious disease of cats especially kittens and is caused by feline parvovirus. It attacks rapidly diving and growing cells within the body, often affecting bone marrow, intestines and the developing foetus. It is spread via the urine, faeces and nasal secretions of infected cats and the virus may survive up to a year in the environment.  Signs of infection may include loss of appetite, fever, severe diarrhoea and nasal discharge. Vaccination is vital to protect your cat whether they live indoors or outside as the virus is in the environment.

Leukaemia (FeLV)

Feline Leukaemia (FeLV) is a tumour inducing virus that may manifest in different ways. The virus can be passed on via the womb or through saliva, blood, urine and faeces of infected cats. It is of great concern to cats that are in contact with other cats as they may groom each other, fight or become infected by contaminated food and water bowls. The virus can also survive in the environment for approximately 48 hours. Symptoms at different stages of the disease may include gingivitis, skin infections, anaemia and weight loss to name a few. Vaccination is paramount in protecting your pet against this fatal disease.


Myxomatosis is a fatal viral disease which is widespread in Ireland. It is spread by direct contact with an infected animal or can be carried by mosquitoes or fleas that feed on infected animals. Symptoms of myxomatosis include swelling, fatigue, fever and inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. Vaccination is vital to protect your pet bunny and may be administered from 5 weeks of age. Immunity against the disease is effective within 3 weeks of vaccination. The vaccination lasts for 12 months therefore booster vaccinations are recommended annually.

Viral haemorrhagic disease

Viral haemorrhagic disease is also a fatal viral disease which is widespread in Ireland. The virus can live in the environment for months and may be spread by direct or indirect contact. It is a highly contagious disease with symptoms such as fever, lethargy and loss of appetite present.  Vaccination is vital to protect your pet bunny and may be administered from 5 weeks of age. Immunity against the disease is effective within 3 weeks of vaccination. The vaccination lasts for 12 months therefore booster vaccinations are recommended annually.